Middle East Council of Churches
Mr Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Profoundly concerned and shocked by the recent escalation of violence in Lebanon, northern Israel and Gaza as well as the ongoing terror of violent attacks in Iraq, the Christian Council of Sweden wants to express our deepest sympathy with all the suffering peoples of the region. These terrifying outbursts of violence causing death and despair amongst civilians, destruction and suffering for innumerable innocent people of different faiths and ethnicity are indeed a terrible sight.
We write to let you know that our prayers and thoughts constantly rest with all the victims of this tragedy; those who are missing their loved ones, those who are wounded or killed by the continuous bombings and shellings; those who have lost their homes and means of living; those who have struggled to rebuild their societies after decades of conflict in hope of a future in justice and peace. Your churches, constituencies and families as well as all the peoples of the region are present in our prayers.
Here in Sweden, people of all denominations are praying for a just peace in the region and an end to the conflict in the Middle East. We ask our government and officials to do whatever can be done together with other European governments, the European Union and the United Nations to stop the violence and protect the lives of civilians. We call for a just and peaceful solution to the conflict. We pray the Lord of Peace to bless all those who are tirelessly working to find ways toward reconciliation and a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
Stockholm July, 24, 2006
On behalf of the Christian Council of Sweden
Yours in Christ
Rev. Sven-Bernhard Fast
General Secretary