More about us
The Christian Council of Sweden has 26 member churches and three observing members. They reflect the various Christian traditions.
Cooperation between churches is facilitated within working groups or networks, where representatives of the churches and related organisations meet. Information concerning current activities in the represented churches and organisations is shared in the working groups, as well as coordination of joint projects. Issues such as human dignity and concepts concerning peace and justice are also processed in the working groups, in order to identify churches’ own priorities in their community initiatives. Other relevant issues that working groups focus on are equality, diaconia, ethics, migration and integration.
At times there is a need for the Christian churches to speak with one voice. For example when certain vulnerable groups are not adequately considered within society. This is when the churches join together in a manifestation or an advocacy effort. The Christian Council also acts as a consulting body addressing certain issues raised by the government, giving a joint response to certain issues or reports. The Council also facilitates courses and produces information materials and publications.
Ecumenical commitments
The Christian Council is responsible for coordinating chaplaincy within the prisons, hospitals, schools and universities.
Showing Christian unity, through the representation of all member churches, is a vital component in the work of the Christian Council of Sweden. This is displayed when we are in contact with governmental institutions, the parliament and civil society. Cooperation on an international level is mainly done through the Conference of European Churches and the World Council of Churches. The Christian Councils of the Nordic countries also cooperate which each other.
Ecumenical Calendar
The Christian Council coordinates recurring events, such as the Martin Luther King-prize ceremony and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January, and the Diaconal Month and the Season of Creation in September.
The Christian Council of Sweden was founded in 1992, as a new national ecumenical organisation in Sweden. It had a broad member base and different tasks compared to its predecessor the Ecumenical Committee of Sweden, founded in 1933.
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